Selected clients


"Thank you for revitalising our approach to communications and challenging us to think differently. We have adopted your style and energy to significant advantage, in fact you have become synonymous with marketing the virtues and values of the Commercial Service offering."
James Cowley, Head of Procurement Government of Jersey
“Robots & Humans never answer a brief to fit their need, or specific set of skills. They are as curious to explore the right solution as us. They are always able to give us a view over the horizon and make us feel like we are market leading rather than just part of the herd. The final solutions very much feel like a client/agency collaboration rather than just the delivery of something. We also love the light bulb moments!”
Sian Richards, Head of Marketing EMEA Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
“I value the honest conversations the most. I know I can rely on getting an honest opinion regardless of if it aligns with my own. Often it transpires that what I really need is not what I think I need! We’ve developed a deep sense of trust after working through both highs and lows together and hope to remain in what has become a long-term partnership.”
Andrew Boyce, Managing Director UK ET Works