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Case Study

Autovolition: we empowered car enthusiasts to forge their own paths

Change CommunicationsMediaDigitalContent & CreativityBrand

We devised and developed a new automotive club and events concept that brought car enthusiasts and industry experts together in a forum to forge a future that could cater for those who were passionate about cars and automotive pastimes, in a world that demands more socially acceptable and climate friendly vehicles.

Climate and socioeconomic change has shifted the dynamics of car ownership and the speed of innovation in ways not witnessed by the sector since its inception over 100 years ago. Through analysis, research and insight, we observed a growing void between car ownership as a transport mechanism and those who were truly passionate about cars, or those who could be described as “petrol heads”.

The evolution of the industry presented a risk of disengaging, or no longer catering for those who were passionate about cars and so Autovolition was born to capture thoughts, provoke debate, preserve, challenge and find new ways to enjoy conventional automotive passion but in a cleaner and better world. Education was placed at the heart of the concept which saw educators and trainers from all automotive arenas (design, motorsport, textiles and fashion) come together to discuss forward thinking concepts with those who are truly passionate about cars.